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LM Lacee  

Why do Mothers Matter?

Mothers matter in Dragon’s Gap: I am sure everyone who has read the DRAGONS GAP SERIES, has a favorite character or scene. I think for me it is how motherhood is explored in different ways, depending on the plot and characters. However, one thing is clear, mothers are important. This is because they represent an essential source of love, guidance, and support in a child’s life.

This sentiment is especially true in Book 3, when Charlie takes on the task of protecting and comforting five children. Eventually adopting three. In this book as with the others we see how important the role of a mother is. Not only will she stand guard between strife and her children she will nurture and help them grow to become worthwhile adults. In her they will always know they are loved and wanted. Dragon Gap emphasis how important mothers are to the community. Regardless of age a mother’s wisdom and experience should never be wasted.

Just like Verity and Grace in the series Dragon’s Gap, they are the wise women spoken of in tales of old. They are valued for their wisdom and years of experience. It is plainly seen that mothers hold a special place in the heart of the author. Lacee writes of the love between mothers and their children and the lengths they will go to, to protect them.

A Mothers Role

Overall, the role of mothers in Dragon’s Gap: is vital to the survival and well-being of the town. Through their love, guidance, and support, mothers provide a sense of stability and security. This is essential for children to thrive. They serve as role models, caregivers, and decision-makers. Whereas they are seen to be demonstrating the qualities that are necessary to raise healthy, independent, and resilient individuals.

In conclusion, the importance of mothers in Dragon’s Gap. It is evident in the way they care for their families and communities. Whether they are queens, healers, or everyday mothers, they play a crucial role in providing the love, guidance, and support that children need to grow and develop into healthy, happy, and successful adults. Mothers are truly the strength that holds a family and town together especially in this series and in our world.

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Looking for an Epic Shifter Adventure Book to Read? Look No Further!

You must cut the chains of your past before you can embrace your future. This inspirational story about Lars and Claire is set in the epic world of Dragon's Gap. It can be read alone, although the story concentrates on characters that are present throughout the entire series so would probably be better read between book two, (Sharm and Edith's Story) and book three (Storm and Charlie's Story).

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